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Sunday, July 30, 2017

It's a busy month in the nannyhood!

It's been busy around the nannyhood. Seems like for the past month or so we've been going non-stop. I try to get in a couple of miles of fast walking/jogging on workday mornings so my days start at around 5:40 a.m. Add to that a full time job, so many hours of necessary training to keep up my professional license, end of month and end of fiscal year reports, grandkids out of school for the summer and wanting to spend some time at nanny's house, and full blown canning season. Oh and I forgot to mention we moved my mother-in-law in to a new house and she has a LOT of stuff! Whew! That made me tired just typing all that.

I've gotten on a canning kick lately and am trying to stock what seems like a years worth of food in a couple of months. I've canned dill pickles, spicy pickles, bread and butter pickles, sweet potatoes, peaches, peach jelly, stewed tomatoes, tomato soup, spaghetti sauce, tomato sauce and salsa Plus I put up quite a bit of squash and green beans in the freezer. I still want to try canning chili, stew and chicken pot pie filling to make those quick winter meals. But that will just have to wait until things slow down just a little bit.

Oh....I almost forgot.....we're in the middle of remodeling our bedroom too. So my brain is dancing all over the place. Check back for updates on the remodel. I can hardly wait to get it done. I'm still on the search for the perfect bathroom door. I'm kind of very opinionated that way.

If the zombies start heading this way at least  I know my family will have food for a little while. LOL

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