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Thursday, June 29, 2017

Conversations with a 5 year old

The other day after work I went to pick up Miss Ellee to spend some one on one time with her because it's hard to get spoiled when there are 8 kids all fighting for attention. Shortly after we got home Papa decided that we all needed snow cones so Ellee and I decided we would go pick them up.

Ellee's parents just rented a new house and are getting ready to move so I asked her if she was excited about moving. You just have to know Ellee to know how dramatic she is about everything. So just picture this tiny little person with a huge personality talking with her hands and trying to sound so grown up.

Now that you have the mental picture of what she looks like while talking, our conversation went something like this:

Nanny: Are you excited about your new house?
Ellee: Oh my gosh YES! It is just perfect for our family. It has rooms and closets and a huge living room! The kitchen is kind of small, but that's okay.
Nanny: So do you think you'll like living there?
Ellee: Well....yes, but I'll kind of miss my old house a little bit. I know that's sounds silly but I really will miss it a little bit.
Nanny: That doesn't sound silly at all. Nanny has lived in the same house for a long long time and if I moved, I would miss my old house.
Ellee: You thought about  moving?
Nanny: Yes, I would like to live in the country.
Ellee: With Papa?
Nanny: Yes, if I move, I'll take Papa with me.
Ellee: Oh okay good.

Talking to this child is like talking to a mini adult. I used to love to get those conversations on video, but she got wiser and doesn't like me videoing while we're talking, so I'll just have to try to remember to write these conversations down and give the best mental picture I can. Moments to cherish are never short when spending time with her! 

Thursday, June 22, 2017

When threenagers FaceTime

Tonight I was in the kitchen preparing and putting up a bounty of fresh squash and green beans from our garden when my phone rang so I asked my husband to answer it. It was a FaceTime call from our sweet little opinionated threenager.

She and her momma went to Texas to spend some time with daddy who is working out on the road and we miss her/them terribly. We're used to getting to see her at least 2 or 3 times a week since they live right down the road. I had called her earlier on my way home from work and the only thing she would say to me was "Nanny, I need you come cuddle me". This was a clue that she had gotten in trouble and wanted Nanny to come rescue her. Even though I knew she was just fine, it hurt my heart to tell her I couldn't because they are 8 hours away, and I knew she wouldn't understand why her Nanny couldn't come love on her like I normally do when she calls me and tells me she needs me to come cuddle her.

Anyway.....back to the story of this phone call. I fully expected to hide from "munsters" under a blankie with her on this FaceTime call as we normally do and we eventually did. But the first thing I heard when Papa answered the phone was a tiny little voice, ever so quietly telling him, "Papa, you need come get me, momma's scary". And then her momma in the background cracking up laughing and asking her what she said again. This little girl is full of attitude and comes up with the most random things to get you right in the heart! We figured out that she just didn't want to go to bed and wanted us to come "save" her.

We later hid from Papa's "munster" that looked like a "inja turtle" and the tickle bug and gave her kisses and off to bed she went with a sad face because we couldn't come "save" her from her "scary momma".

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Sweet Potato Pie

So I was sitting at work one day last week when I got a phone call. The conversation went something like this:
Me: Hello
Caller: Do you like sweet potatoes?
Me: Ummm yeah I guess why
Caller: Well.....a semi full of sweet potatoes had an accident, everyone is okay and the sweet potatoes weren't damaged but they can't sell them now. So if you want some go to (location) and get you some.
Me: well okay then thanks for letting me know.

And yes....I then proceeded to the location to get my sweet potatoes, then I thought to myself, what in the world am I going to do with 20 pounds (roughly) of them? So I searched Pinterest and found several sweet potato pie recipes.

Now I've never had sweet potato pie....ever. I've only discovered that I even somewhat like sweet potatoes recently. I've never cared for them before. But a friend insisted that I try sweet potato fries, so reluctantly I did, and to my surprise they were delicious.

So I took several recipes and blended them together and added my own flare and made this pie. And let me just tell was AMAZING! My husband even liked it and he doesn't like sweet potatoes at all.


4 large sweet potatoes
4 eggs
1 can evaporated milk
1 tablespoon pumpkin pie spice
1 teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 tablespoon flour
2 sticks butter
1 cup dark brown sugar
1 cup regular sugar
2 deep dish pie crusts


Preheat oven to 350. Wash and boil sweet potatoes until soft, when they cool, remove the skin, then add eggs, milk, nutmeg, pumpkin pie spice, vanilla, flour, butter and sugars to a large bowl. Beat on medium approximately 2 minutes, then beat on high until smooth, approximately 1-2 minutes. Pour in to pie crusts and place on cooking sheet in oven for approximately 1 hour. Knife should come out clean when done. Let cool, add some cool whip and eat up!

This recipe is easy and the pie is delicious! Try it out and let me know what you think.

Update on the pickle experiment

Update on our pickle experiment from the canning post on the right.

Well, it's been a week since I canned the first batch of pickles using Mrs. Wages seasoning and the waterbath method. I'm extremely happy to report that we have CRISPY dill pickles! FINALLY! and they taste good which is always a plus!

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Welcome to the Nannyhood

Welcome to the Nannyhood! Here I'll share my favorite funny stories, canning recipes, DIY projects and Home Decor. I'm new to this blog thing, still trying to figure it all out. Pages are on the right. Hope you enjoy 😊