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Funny stories straight out of the Nannyhood

Have I told you I have 8 .... YES EIGHT grand babies. Along with all the love, laughter, hugs, kisses, cuddles and sweetness comes this thing I like to call the THREENAGER and I have to admit, it may just possibly be one of my very favorite things to witness. Mainly because paybacks are sweet and it's funny as heck to watch these little tiny people payback their parents who put me through the very same thing at their age. Now the parents may not think it's so funny but believe certainly is!

I frequently find myself trying to hide my laughter because even though it's hilarious, I actually DO want these babies to grow up to be responsible, polite, self sufficient adults.

For example just the other day, our three year old grand baby got in trouble by her mommy for something and she turned around and told her mommy "you hurt my feewings so I'm gonna tell all your secrets". Oh could you NOT laugh (secretly of course) at that!

And of course you can't forget the 5 year old who thinks she's grown. Her mommy recently had surgery so Nanny took off work to take care of the little ones. We live about an hour away from a city, so I loaded the kids up and took them to the city to get some shopping done and to just get them out of the house for a while. I told them if they were good we would go do something fun. Well it turned in to lunch time pretty quick and it's already smoldering hot temps outside so I opted to take them to Chucky Cheese where we could kill two birds with one stone.

The 5 year old who had just informed me earlier that she will no longer be calling trains, choo choo trains because she's just too old for that kind of stuff, was ecstatic! She informed me that this was the best day ever and the best food ever and that we didn't have to go do anything fun, we could just stay at Chucky Cheese and that would work for her. The logic of kids. Cracks me up!

Stay tuned for more funnies from Nanny's bunch..........they'll keep you laughing for sure! 

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